
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.


Last week I was at one of our squatter village sites, walking with an unbelievably gifted professional photographer (check out his pictures), helping him capture some images that could translate their world into ours. I was struck by the poverty, which I have walked among for a decade now, but some days it can still… Read more


Back to School, by Back2Back India Staff

Ahhh, those familiar words…..Have you even thought about “Back to School” yet? The children in India returned to school in mid-June. Their “summer holiday” is during May when the temperatures reach 115 degrees Fahrenheit. You can imagine how hot a classroom is that doesn’t even have a ceiling fan, let alone A/C, because the school… Read more


Eyes Wide Open, by Hannah Cesler, Back2Back India Summer Intern

My first week interning with Back2Back India has opened my eyes. There is no way I could have been fully prepared for my initial visit to this hostel (children’s home) in rural India. I was a little nervous when we pulled up, but was instantly comforted by familiar verses painted on the walls in English… Read more

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