
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStoriesTransitions Program

The Beauty of Life in Community

Back2Back’s Transition to Independence Program comes alongside young adults as they transition from one season of their lives to a new one, often resulting in independent living. Staff teams provide mentorship, life skills, and general support to each young adult in the program as they navigate life in new spaces and areas. One of Back2Back’s… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStoriesTransitions Program

The River of Community

Written by Sammy Summerlin, Back2Back Staff Community is like a river, a constant current flowing by countless faces and places. Its path winds us through family gatherings, school assemblies, local restaurants, and neighborhood block parties. Along its banks are different people and life situations, each one building into us through experiences and individual understandings of… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoTransitions Program

Taking Bold Steps

Back2Back’s Transition to Independence Program was designed to help students move from living in family-style care to living on their own. They are taught how to budget, how to grocery shop, how to cook for themselves, and managing their day-to-day schedules. Young adults take brave steps out on their own, and they’re never left without… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStoriesTransitions Program

To Get Back Up Again

Kate* clocked out at the health food stand she’s long worked at and heads in the direction of home. She smiles to herself, considering all she’s accomplished and how far she had to come to do it.  She arrives at her home, the Back2Back Transitioning to Independence Program house, and settles in for the evening… Read more

A woman teaching in a conference room
AllInspirational LivingNigeriaStoriesTransitions Program

With Their Eyes on Him

“Every decision you make this year, be sure to involve God. You will have a lot of new experiences and choices to make, but be sure you don’t forget He is to be a part of it all,” Abeke*, a veteran Transition student, spoke these words over the incoming Transition Program teens in Nigeria. Back2Back… Read more

AllInspirational LivingNigeriaTransitions Program

Finding Value in the Challenges

Sade* stood in front of the kindergarten class, speaking clearly to her students. The teacher she assists had to leave, but trusted Sade completely with the class they led together. Sade asked a question, and the students answered enthusiastically. She smiled to herself, thinking of how far she’d come and how, if someone had asked… Read more

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