Gustavo* raised his hand at the community center, waiting to be called on. When a trusted adult looked at him, he launched into his opinion on the topic at hand. His teacher smiled at him, marveling at the transformation of the young man in front of her.
“When we first met Gustavo, it was difficult for him to trust others; he rarely spoke aloud, and never really asked for anything,” shared Back2Back staff. His consistent attendance and the intentionality of his teachers helped him realize he was safe and others wanted to hear his voice.
It started slow – he asked to use the restroom, he expressed hunger, he said no, and asked for different options during free time. With each request, he was given permission, he was fed, he was presented with alternate choices. He came to understand he is loved and that when he asks for time or uses his voice, the adults around him pay attention.

Today, Gustavo understands he is cared for, he can ask for help, and he can share his opinions. Everyday, staff at the community center see him less fearful and more engaged in what’s before him. Today, he is a young man with dreams, who is playful and present with those around him. He greets each day with a smile and his innocence and zeal for life is being restored. Please join Back2Back staff in prayer over Gustavo and the many children like him, who have experienced difficult circumstances at a young age, and continue on, growing in trust, joy, and mischief.