
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.

Prerequisites to Success, by Caroline Burns, Back2Back Mexico Staff

I’m sure that you’ve heard a million times that reading is fundamental to learning. Imagine a 3rd or 5th grader trying to tackle his math word problems for homework but has no idea what the problem is because he can’t read so he waits for you to read it to him and help him set… Read more


A Heart for the Widow, by Nate Gangwer, Back2Back Nigeria Summer Intern

Today marked a more substantial beginning to the activities we will be doing in Nigeria. Anna, Reed, and Emily observed and helped in the OCC (Oasis Community Center) Education classes to help prepare them for the next few weeks of helping teach and tutor a handful of kids from the village. The rest of the… Read more


Back to School, by Mindy Webster, Back2Back Mexico Staff

I don’t usually associate spring time with “back to school” time, but that’s what it’s been for our Monterrey staff!  We realized a need to be more educated on the psychological and emotional issues that the orphan child faces and had a desire to be more equipped to do something about it.  So this spring… Read more


High, Low, Thankful, by The Whited Family, Back2Back Mexico Staff

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  This Christmas was very interesting.  We had never realized how dependant we were on the mental stimulus for the holidays that comes from the weather, fireplaces, stores playing music (in English) and the constant reminder from the upcoming ABC Family Christmas shows.   But rest assured with all of those… Read more


Waiting for our Return, by Matt Cooper, Back2Back Mexico Staff

Months ago, before Back2Back’s  first trip to explore the possibility of expanding into Cancun, I dreamed of meeting a young boy in Cancun. I’m not sure that I could describe much detail from the dream, other than the fact that I remember entering a children’s home and being greeted by ONE boy, a boy who… Read more


New Back2Back Site in Cancun, by Julie Cooper, Back2Back Mexico Staff

This fall, Back2Back will be expanding, by opening a second site in Mexico, specifically in Cancun.  Staff will help in the fight against human rights violations against children and provide “care for today, hope for tomorrow” to orphans in need.  Below, Julie Cooper, who will be heading up this site with her husband, Matt, explains… Read more


Heading to Haiti, by Todd Guckenberger, Back2Back Executive Director

When the earthquake happened in Haiti this past January, many of our Back2Back ministry supporters called and asked what we were planning on doing.  In the initial days as we prayed about how God might want us to mobilize and coordinate to respond to the need, we realized that Back2Back is not necessarily  a relief… Read more


Chipping Away, by Back2Back India

Hyderabad is located in the Deccan Plateau region of India where there are ancient granite stones shaped into spectacular sometimes bizarre formations of rock, reminiscent of southwest United States like Arizona. These are awesome and enormous rocks. Entire neighborhoods exist in these rocky areas. First the rocks must be cleared to allow construction of these… Read more

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