
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.
Reckless Faith

20. The Beginning of a Much Larger Adventure

Day Twenty: Say yes to childlike faith. When we see Christians doing something that doesn’t make sense in this world, we have to remind ourselves we are citizens of another place. In today’s episode, Beth reminds listeners that sometimes God will ask us to do something that may look foolish to others, for His sake…. Read more

Reckless Faith

19. Never Bored

Day Nineteen: Say yes to dynamic. In today’s episode, Beth shares an adage her mom used to say to her: “If you’re bored, it’s because you’re boring.” What is the antithesis of bored? Beth has learned that if she is in a spiritual rut, it’s because she’s unplugged or turned the volume down and the… Read more

Reckless Faith

18. Making it Better

Day Eighteen: Say yes to the extraordinary rescue plan. In today’s episode, Beth recounts a dream and how it helped her prepare for something yet to come. With God, there is always more than one mission going on at a time – He has just as much of a plan for the giver and goer… Read more

Reckless Faith

17. What Kind of Meat Does God Bring?

Day Seventeen: Say yes to mountains moving. Beth’s love for the Hebrew language comes up in this episode, where she shares that there is no equivalent word in Hebrew to “coincidence,” and it’s because to God, nothing is coincidental. Beth challenges listeners to posture themselves in a place where God has to come through, because… Read more

Reckless Faith

16. Green Pastures

Day Sixteen: Say yes to trusting. In today’s episode, Beth recounts being a “fence-pusher” from an early age, and how her dad taught her to use her thirst for adventure to please God, not to bring destruction. Beth encourages listeners to remember we are made by God, He gives us each these unique traits, but… Read more

Reckless Faith

15. One Missed Shot

Day Fifteen: Say yes to trying again. Beth recounts a story about her dad teaching her a pivotal lesson about not giving up in this episode. She challenges listeners to remember, even if I mess it up, even if someone else does it better than me, the gifts I possess were given to me by… Read more

Reckless Faith

14. Less Duty, More Pep Rally

Day Fourteen: Say yes to giving. In today’s episode, join Beth as she shares about a church service in Nigeria where she was moved to conviction and freely giving of what she had by watching others give offerings of worship openly. Listen in as she shares about how God reminded her that day He doesn’t… Read more

Reckless Faith

13. Now God Has My Attention

Day Thirteen: Say yes to growing. What does it mean to have a reckless faith? In this epidose, Beth shares that it isn’t always about crossing borders or learning a new language. Sometimes, reckless faith is the unswaying belief that God can, and will, use anyone at anytime. Buy Reckless Faith: a 40-day journey to… Read more

Reckless Faith

12. It’s Usually About Showing Up

Day twelve: Say yes to starting somewhere. Today, Beth shares a lesson she learned from her mom and a bully in the third grade. In the defensive culture we live in, it’s natural to avoid mean, toxic people. Beth challenges us to instead move towards those people and try to make a deposit in them…. Read more

Reckless Faith

11. I Never Thought of Myself as a Priest

Day eleven: Say yes to second chances. What if we allowed every disruption, derailing, or spiritual deformity caused by the enemy to be used by God for our good? In this episode, Beth dives into this question and shares what she’s learned from her own hurts what pain and kindness have in common. She challenges… Read more

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