
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.
AllInspirational LivingMexicoPartner Children's HomeStories

Growth and Transformation

Holistic care has long been at the forefront of how Back2Back and partnering homes provide unique guidance to vulnerable children and families. This means the entire child is cared for – not just nutritional foods and clothing, but their minds, their hearts, their belief systems, are all poured into and nurtured.  At a Back2Back-partnering home… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoPartner Children's HomeStories

The Power of Education

Back2Back knows that in order for children to flourish, more than just their physical needs must be met. The five-point child development plan each site and partnering home uses allows more than physical care to be provided. Educational opportunities and support are just one step in allowing children to move toward sustainability and breaking generational… Read more

AllInspirational LivingNigeriaPartner Children's Home

Leaders in Their Home

A partnering children’s home in Nigeria is unique in many ways. The home is small, the environment warm, the caregivers loving, encouraging, and diligent in providing family-style care to the teens and children in their home. They know they are safe, loved, and that their interests will be nurtured. Oni* has a passion for learning…. Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoPartner Children's HomeStories

Slowing Down to Connect

The children stood in a line behind Rick and Lisa Bursey as they waited to cross the road. Their eyes were wide, taking in the busy street, the different colors of cars, and the random stray dogs that sauntered past them. “Look!” “Check this out!” “Oh, wow!” bursted from their mouths as they waited, as… Read more

AllHaitiInspirational LivingPartner Children's HomeStories

Local Partnership Provides Holistic Care

Back2Back strives to provide ongoing holistic care to every child and family they serve. This means staff ensure spiritual, physical, educational, emotional, and social needs are met. Recently, a child at a partnering home was diagnosed with an illness. Doctor’s offices are difficult to find in Haiti and in the event there is one nearby,… Read more

AllHaitiHope ProgramInspirational LivingPartner Children's HomeStoriesStrong Families

Celebrating Through the Hard Times

2021 was a difficult year for people everywhere. Staff and children in Haiti are no exception as they navigated educational changes due to the pandemic, and also adjusted to new ways of day-to-day life in response to riots, government tragedies, and additional closures. Staff stepped up in big ways to ensure children continued their schooling… Read more

AllInspirational LivingNigeriaPartner Children's HomeStories

Saying Yes to Time and Effort

At Back2Back sites around the world, when asked what they want to be when they grow up,  children often give similar answers. No matter their location, doctor, teacher, engineer, and soccer player are common responses. It is an important question to ask vulnerable children, especially, to remind them their choices are wide and their dreams… Read more

AllHaitiInspirational LivingPartner Children's HomeStories

Incorporating into Family-Style Environments

Recently, a group of five new children transitioned into a partnering children’s home in Haiti. Moving and adjusting to new living arrangements with new expectations can be difficult for anyone, but for children from hard places, there are additional layers of support needed. “The children were very upset when they arrived,” shared one of the… Read more

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