Wifi, and Computers, and a Printer, Oh my!

Wifi, and Computers, and a Printer, Oh my!

Mexico’s education system is still largely virtual in response to the pandemic still affecting much of the world. For students in Mexico, public school systems broadcast their classrooms and daily lessons over the T.V. Many of the children watched their televisions in the children’s homes, doing all their work with paper and pencil.

With an increased amount of time in the home, during school hours, the staff at a Monterrey patterning children’s home knew the students needed additional assistance getting their work done and remaining focused through the school day, even as their environment changed.

Faithful sponsorship recently afforded four new computers, a printer, and a WiFi router for the home. The new equipment is in the library at the home and is offering the students opportunities to do more than sit in front of a T.V. all day, using paper and pencil. The younger children take rotations on the computers, and the older children meet face-to-face, and socially distanced, with their teachers, before returning to do homework on the new computers.

The new additions to the library have given the children a refresh in their learning routines, allowing excitement to reenter as they use new technology and internet with higher speeds. Your dedication allows education to continue, even in the face of so many changes. Thank you for providing educational care to every child at the home.