Joy Found in the Water

The row of children and visiting adults crunched their toes in the sand. Their surf instructor welcomed them and asked them to draw a line straight back. Next, each student drew the “nose” on top of the line, and stood atop their sand surfboards.

There is a surf party happening in Mazatlán.

The girls living at a partnering children’s home have been learning to surf for some time now. While physically beneficial, the classes have come to be a sort of healing process for each girl, too. They are learning self-control, the joy of setting goals and accomplishing them. Each of the girls learning to surf are better understanding their capability to try new things, to tackle hard tasks, and come up standing.

Six of the girls met a visiting team at the beach on a Monday morning. Their surf coach, who is also a local pastor, began leading a small beginners class, and informed them of safety protocols and surfing basics.

They grabbed their boards and head into the waters. As the white waves rolled toward the shore, roaring against the blue sky, the surfers took turns attempting to catch waves. The surfers wait – anticipating the next move. Their goal always being to come over the wave, not to be overcome. There are moments of serenity between the onslaught of white rolling in, but the water-goers are always looking out.

They have the necessary tools for success, beach wear to fare well in the salty water. A strap hugging their ankle, attaching them to the board. A surfboard designed for the water, meant to handle human weight.

It would seem ocean waters, and surfing, are a tangible picture of God’s equipping over our lives. There will always be waves in our lives. Life is prone to flood over any of us. Are we anticipating the coming waves?

Whoops of joy could be heard all along the beach as the girls fought, again and again, against the water. The girls, along with visiting team members, are finding out joy can be sought in many places, but the water is a good place to start.