
This page includes an archive of items across all of the site. To access filterable options and resources, visit other collection pages on the site.

Sisterly Inspiration: How One Family is Changing Education Norms

From Silent to Vocal: A Journey of Trust and Self-Expression

Against the Odds: Persistence Pays Off

Learning Through Play: Innovative Approaches to Child Development

Beyond the Roar: An Unexpected Friendship

Miracles & Milestones: Medical Care and Birthday Celebrations

New Beginnings

Finding Home: Growth Within a Foster Family

Building Health: Home Improvements & Medical Care

Rising Leaders

Paths Untraveled: A Journey into Technical Mastery

Roots Reclaimed: A Family Reunification

Hope Amidst Chaos: A Legacy of Care

Turning Pages: How Holistic Care Takes Children from Struggling to Success

“I want them to know they can have a fabulous life. . .”

The Villages of Roll Hill is one of the ten most impoverished neighborhoods in the nation, but within the privately owned property are parents who want more for their children and kids whose dreams can’t be diminished by the disparity around them. 

Play Provides Healing

As children around the world learn the power of their own voices and their ability to ask for what they wish for, they’re learning the safe adults in their life will not only listen, they will work to help make things happen for them.

Stretching Their Creative Muscles

Haiti and her people continue to persevere despite ongoing turmoil across the country. Back2Back staff eagerly pursue special activities or moments to hold space for the children and families they serve.

The Beauty of Life in Community

Back2Back’s Transition to Independence Program comes alongside young adults as they transition from one season of their lives to a new one, often resulting in independent living. Staff teams provide mentorship, life skills, and general support to each young adult in the program as they navigate life in new spaces and areas.

Drastic, Encouraging Changes

In trauma informed care, we are taught that a child who approaches someone new as if they’ve known them their whole lives, is displaying indiscriminate friendliness. Children with trauma histories often miss the key developmental milestones of attaching to a safe adult.

Growing Their Own Communities

Trauma-informed schools are being developed at many of the Back2Back sites. Staff have unanimously seen the effects on children when educators lack trauma-training, thus not fully understanding what some of their students face.

First Round Graduates!

Trauma-informed schools are on the rise at Back2Back sites around the globe. Over the years, as Back2Back staff have served children attending village and government-run schools, they saw inconsistencies as students struggled to keep up, many often repeating grades.

Expanding the Reach: India Welcomes New Site Director

In Hyderabad’s core, there is a community of families living in makeshift homes. Most of the parents are rag pickers, who separate thrown-out food and materials into groups and sell them for profit. Despite these living conditions, there is joy within the tarped walls and metal roofs.

Prepared to Pay it Forward

Child sponsorship is an integral way Back2Back helps facilitate safe, lasting relationships for children and adults from around the world. The financial support it provides allows holistic care for each child, and the emotional investment made has eternal impact.

Constantly Learning

The trauma-informed, Back2Back-run school in India was once just a dream. Long-time staff members prayed for opportunities to send children to schools with broad and usable educational curriculum.

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