Faith, Family, Fortitude: How Jessi Embraced Motherhood Through Community Support

Her alarm sounded promptly at 5am. Jessi* rubbed her eyes and sat up in bed. She took a deep breath and began her morning routine. She exercises, then prepares breakfast for her three children, then takes them to school. Once she’s back home, she does housework and dedicates hours to her own business, which provides for her little family of four.

“I have loved each of my children since I came to know of their beings,” Jessi shared. “I have fought for them in every difficulty, I have hugged them any time they have needed it, and I have faced each fear or uncertainty with as much bravery as I could harness.”

Jessi is a single mother to a 17, 13, and 12-year old. A friend and neighbor of hers began taking the three children to Back2Back’s community center over ten years ago. As she welcomed them home each day, witnessing their interest and enthusiasm for what they were learning, Jessi decided she wanted to experience new things alongside her kids.

“I saw each day how excited they were to share what they learned about Jesus, and I knew it would help me, too,” explained Jessi. Shortly after her children began, she joined classes at the community center, too. Together, her family of four has been part of Back2Back’s Strong Families Program for ten years.

During the classes, Jessi saw areas she could improve in, when it came to leading her children well. Through parenting classes, devotionals, and the faithful community of mothers she is now a part of, she learned the importance of correct communication and the power of loving words.

“Being a single mom to three teenagers comes with its challenges,” shared Jessi. “I take this job very seriously and I greet it every day with love. Now, when my children need correcting, I sit down and talk with them, not at them; I offer words of affirmation, assure them of my love for them, and do my best to guide them with the help and direction of God.”

Jessi has grown as a mother and friend right alongside her children, as they grow and develop alongside their own peers. Her days are not without challenge and anxiety. “There should be four arms supporting them, and they only have my two, but I trust God to give me the strength I need to face whatever adversity,” she shared. “He never stops loving or coming for me, and I will never stop hoping in Him.”


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