To Affect Those Around Them

Sponsorship funds ensure children at all Back2Back sites and within partnering children’s homes are afforded the holistic care they deserve. Faithful giving allows vulnerable youth and families hot meals, safe homes, and consistent educational opportunities. It also ensures medical professionals are readily available when they’re needed, that therapy is not a luxury to dream about, but an accessible tool that is their right; children are involved in extracurricular activities, meet with tutors, and are given opportunities to better understand their own emotions. Faithful sponsorship ensures children aren’t just fed and clothed, they are invested in, looked after, and loved for exactly who they are.

A partnering children’s home in Mexico is able to afford a local doctor and his assistant visiting at least once a month. Sponsorship funding allows their salaries to be paid and fully stocks the clinic on site. The young men there know they can voice when they feel unwell or have a concern, because the consistent presence of a doctor has always been part of their story at the home.

Another unique way sponsors help provide holistic care through their giving is in development activities. Staff psychologists and social workers provide activities to intentionally develop skills within the children and help them understand the importance of teamwork. Recently, they held a craft day in which the children made Valentines for their biological families. 

These activities, while simple, help each child understand their ability to affect and pour into the people around them in similar ways they’ve been served. Every activity, doctor’s visit, therapy session, and group outing is a clear communication to the children they are known, loved, and will always be supported.
If you’re interested in sponsorship and experiencing friendship with a child in another part of the world, please visit today.