God Guides His Steps

“God, what do You want for my life?” It was a question Juan* regularly took to God in the interim between a soccer injury and the needed surgery to repair it.


“God, what do You want for my life?”

It was a question Juan* regularly took to God in the interim between a soccer injury and the needed surgery to repair it. A passionate and talented athlete, Juan’s goal for many years was to be a professional soccer player- something he shared with anyone who asked. His high school career began right on track – he was studying, working, and receiving soccer scholarships at local universities. And then he sustained an intense knee injury.

“In the time between my injury and my surgery, I prayed,” shared Juan. “It was a time to offer God my full self, and I really started to press Him – what do you want for me?”  He had connected with a mentor around this same time – a man who was a full-time pilot. He asked questions about what being a pilot was like and a small spark flickered.

As the idea grew in his mind, Juan went to see Aracely Flores, Back2Back staff, to share his plan. “He was adamant about becoming a pilot,” shared Aracely. “He felt this was God’s plan for him, and he wanted help making it happen.”

Becoming a pilot is challenging and costly, but together, the Back2Back staff team and Jose developed a plan. His first step was taking flight mechanic courses, which provided work while he was in pilot school. 

As of August of this year, Juan has graduated university with a double degree in aviation mechanics and a private aviator pilot! He is currently completing steps to obtain his commercial pilot license and works full-time at the local airport. 

When Juan first went to Aracely’s office, becoming a pilot felt like an unreachable dream, but he recalled  something spoken over him. “We often reminded him his name carries an important story,” shared Aracely. “‘His grace will be placed over your life.’”

Juan senses this grace – he is being trained to become a manager and develop manuals for other mechanics. He is in charge of the planes as they come in. The people around him see his capability and they honor his hard work and dedication.

He knows God guides his steps and when he visits the Back2Back campus, there is a visible light to demeanor. “I’m very busy, but happy. Whenever I have a flight, I know I need time with God first, so I can take Him with me as I fly.” Please join us in celebration over Juan and all he’s accomplished, remembering God opened every door leading to this moment. To that, we say, hallelujah.


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