
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.
AllIndiaInspirational LivingNews

On Saying Yes

It was Tuesday in India. The warmth had settled into my skin and I was finally remembering the long, intricate names of each boy and girl I had met. Bells sang softly into the thick, heated air and little girls in sweeping, colorful dresses spun wildly on the marbled floors as I was helping Ravi… Read more

AllInspirational LivingNews

Free to be a Kid

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Goutham’s deep, brown eyes lit up; there is something within them, confident and hopeful, that shines out and captures whomever he is speaking to. “A pilot,” he smiles, crinkling his nose up innocently. That crinkled nose, coupled with his frame worthy smile, will stop you… Read more

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