
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.

Rock Pile

Brent Fudge, Director of Back2Back Haiti, has a dream. He dreams of a permanent Back2Back campus in Haiti complete with housing for mission teams, Hope Program students and staff.


One Brick at a Time

Nehemiah tells the story of how the wall around the city of Jerusalem was re-built after a period of destruction and exile. It is a story of a bold plan, of divine provision, of hard work by people with different skill sets, of opposition, of perseverance and ultimately – of hope realized.


The Talk that Changed Everything

When Alberto arrived at Salvation Army Children’s Home in Mazatlan, Mexico, he was years behind in his education. He had been home-schooled at a government-run children’s home and had limited interaction with other children his age.


Back to School, by Mindy Webster, Back2Back Mexico Staff

I don’t usually associate spring time with “back to school” time, but that’s what it’s been for our Monterrey staff!  We realized a need to be more educated on the psychological and emotional issues that the orphan child faces and had a desire to be more equipped to do something about it.  So this spring… Read more

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