Hope Program

The Hope Program aspires to break the cycle of generational poverty through education and vocational training. Vulnerable teens extend their education and pursue classes and training to accomplish their personal goals, often in the context of a family-style living arrangement while learning life skills

Our Three Care Components

Live Like Family

For children who have grown up outside the context of family, it can be difficult to understand how to start a family of your own one day. The foundation of Back2Back’s Hope Program is the family unit. Living together with specially-trained House Parents and other same-gender students, teens learn how to live as family.
boy coloring on teenage woman's nose
boy working on schoolwork

Our Three Care Components

Support For Educational Success

In the countries where Back2Back serves, education beyond primary grades can be difficult for children and families to afford. The Hope Education Program provides the tuition for educational expenses, so children can continue educational access. This, along with resources like tutors and mentors, are key in allowed every student the space and ability to succeed.

Our Three Care Components

Transition to Independence Program

The transition from living at home to living on your own is challenging for every young person. Back2Back recognizes the unique challenges orphaned and vulnerable children encounter during this stage of life and supports the healthy transition to independence through intentional training and mentorship.

Real Change Doesn't Happen Overnight.

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