
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.

Building a Family Identity

Identity and family identity can be a controversial subject. What do we stand for? How does it compare with the larger society? How does our calendar and spending reflect that?


Serving Children with Special Needs

This summer, several other occupational and physical therapists and I had the privilege of helping the kids in a special needs children’s home in Mazatlan. Our goal was to evaluate the children and develop treatment plans for them.


Because the One Matters

We watched as women who are widowed that Back2Back serves, worked incredibly hard to provide for their children, sacrificing on their behalf. It touched our hearts because the one matters.


Meet Gervens

Gervens grabbed my hand and held it in his, and something indescribable occurred. I felt the deepest love for this little boy and a connection that cannot be explained and I knew this was only the beginning of our friendship.


A Normal Moment Turned Miraculous

I shared of one afternoon, of a normal moment that turned miraculous, not because I woke up and did or prayed anything different, not because we earned or deserved what happened, but because God is sovereign and at the end of the day, we either submit to it or fight against it.


Fostering Social Development in Orphan Care

As children, we “practice” interacting socially with others, and with society every day. Our world naturally expands as we join sports teams, perform at recitals and plays, meet extended family and travel on vacation.


Each New Day

Articulate, outgoing and personable – fifteen-year old Rubi exudes confidence. She loves people and enjoys helping care for the younger children at the orphanage she calls home.


Sustainability through Vocational Training

Education opens doors of opportunity to people around the world. However, in developing countries like Nigeria the positive effects of education are often mitigated due to cultural factors.


A Burr Under My Saddle

Lately, I have been talking to my kids about an outward focused life. Some call it missions, others call it outreach, I am hoping we call it normal. I have been explaining my heart for orphans as a ‘burr under my saddle’.

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