
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.

The Wedding Work of Mission

I believe that Christian mission is about joining God in His work to make all things new (Rev. 21:5). As we join God in this work, there is no greater image of the end-goal than that of the wedding supper of the Lamb, when God’s people will be one with Jesus Christ!


Tales of the Ones Led Out

Tales of the Ones Led Out comes from the promise God made to his children in the book of John. This loving Shepherd has his eye on every one of the 163 million fatherless and it was a privilege to share the stories of five of them.


Eat So You Can Grow

Ana’s sweet smile and big personality commands the attention of a room and captures the hearts of those who meet her.


2013 in Review

Great strides were made in 2013 toward depth and follow through. Below are some highlights toward a genuine and consistent effort to meet each child’s needs.


Meet Maria

6-year old Maria loves to play on the monkey bars, dance and color. Her prized possession is a Tinkerbell blanket that she snuggles under each night.


Developing Faith-Based Foster Care

You are our witnesses! We want to testify to how God is moving on behalf of the Mexican orphan. We believe that God has heard the Church crying out to him and his response has been thunderous. He is mobilizing His body and it’s been remarkable to watch.


God Sets the Lonely in Families

Isa arrived at the children’s home unsure of what to expect. She listened attentively as her caregivers, two Back2Back staff members, welcomed her to the dorm.


The Giving Tree

There is a children’s book by Shel Silverstein called, The Giving Tree. In this story generosity is shown as over and over as an apple tree gives, and gives, and gives of itself to the little boy it loves.


The Grand Story God is Writing

Isabel regularly meets with her mentor, Back2Back staff member, Ana for Bible study, discipleship and relationship building. Ana’s goal is for Isabel to understand her identity and tremendous worth as God’s child.

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