Worshipping Alongside Thousands

At the beginning of 2022, Bethel Hope House parents in Mazatlán heard about a youth conference being held in Monterrey. They spoke to the teens in their care and prayed together about attending.


The group stood excitedly alongside thousands of people in the arena and clapped their hands. They felt the bass of the music and the lights dimmed. The conference they’d prayed to attend was about to start.

At the beginning of 2022, Bethel Hope House parents in Mazatlán heard about a youth conference being held in Monterrey. They spoke to the teens in their care and prayed together about attending. In June, their spots were secured, and they had the financial and logistical means to go! Together, they set out on a Sunday, arriving Monday morning. They took the day to get settled and rest, as the conference started the following day. 

An estimated 13,000 people attended the conference at Monterrey Arena, gathering together to worship God and learn from Him. The conference was three days long and consisted of Bible studies, praise, and worship in the mornings and afternoons. The evenings were spent in their hotel rooms reflecting and resting.

One of the teen boys was especially excited for the third day, because his favorite praise band, Barak Group, performed. Their down time allowed the group to explore new-to-them areas and restaurants, and it was a time to bond like family as well as grow deeper in their relationships with Jesus.

They returned home together three days later, full of stories and memorable moments to share with their friends and fellow staff. This is the power of children across the world understanding their worth and learning how to work for what they want – they build connections, they step closer to God, and they see more of the world around them.


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