To Get Back Up Again

Kate* clocked out at the health food stand she’s long worked at and heads in the direction of home. She smiles to herself, considering all she’s accomplished and how far she had to come to do it.

Kate* clocked out at the health food stand she’s long worked at and heads in the direction of home. She smiles to herself, considering all she’s accomplished and how far she had to come to do it.  She arrives at her home, the Back2Back Transitioning to Independence Program house, and settles in for the evening as she prepares for the next day.

Kate is currently the only young adult in the Transitioning to Independence Program house, which was renovated last year to help young adults in the program further their journeys to independence. She recently completed secondary school and has begun her high school educational journey. Kate is in extracurricular math classes, that she signed herself up for, and hopes to get a job on the weekends to work around her school schedule.

Though Kate is younger than others in the program, she exhibits responsibility in school, work, and learning to live independently. As she grows in confidence, she is opening up to Back2Back staff, sharing her hopes for the future. Staff see so much growth in her, especially emotionally. She has long struggled with anxiety and depression, but her diligence in attending therapies has helped her see just what she is able to accomplish, and that her ailments do not define who she is or can become.

As staff continue to support Kate and walk alongside her in each new stage of her life, they are helping her identify what she still needs to work on. Together, they have noted her self-care skills, money management, and her relationship with the Lord deserve her focus. They may seem like high hills to climb, but with the support of safe adults, Kate knows she can grow in more ways than she ever realized, and if she stumbles, she has a net of support and comfort to help her get back up again.


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