Stronger Bonds: A Family’s Resilience

“I don’t want to be separated from my children for these activities,” Cierra* stated firmly to Back2Back staff. She and her family were new to Back2Back Cancun’s Strong Families Program, and her attachment to her children was creating insecurity over separation. 

Back2Back staff understood she was a woman who needed reassurance and also encouragement to seek her own healing. “We lovingly and respectfully suggested she enter into therapy to help her address her confidence and family dynamics,” the staff shared. Cierra was quick to agree and immediately found a therapist, with their help.

Since April, when the family first joined programming, staff have seen a significant transformation in Cierra and each of her family members. She and her husband have taken every opportunity to grow as parents, partners, and individuals, and it is positively impacting their children. Cierra has a positive attitude that is infectious, and she participates in activities regularly, applying what she learns with sincere dedication outside of the classes.

She recently helped collaborate in preparing Mexican meals for visiting mission guests and is always excited to share what she is learning and how her family is growing.

Cierra continues to attend therapy and her family is present at nearly all extra classes and gatherings at the community center. As staff continue to invest in this family, they see a man and woman whose parenting skills are strengthening by the day as they apply their learning to cultivate a home filled with love and respect. Their nine-year-old son is making friends more easily, growing in his social skills, and is very invested in activities and friends at the center. Their daughter has made great strides in her social and emotional interactions and is showing greater confidence in expressing her true self.

This family’s commitment, resilience, and love for each other, and growth as a unit, fill the Back2Back staff with joy and hope. Stories just like theirs are powerful reminders of why staff teams around the world work diligently to help families remain together and build toward stronger, more sustainable futures. This is the power of investments made toward Strong Families around the world – children remain with their parents and together, they forge a future worth fighting for.


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