Small Moments, Big Changes: How a Family’s Future was Transformed

Julie and Emma, Back2Back Cincinnati staff members, stood before a family home, preparing to meet a mother, father, and their five-year-old son. It was in October of 2023, and they were responding to the family’s request for assistance with their son’s education.

“During the first visit, we realized quickly more was going on than we expected,” shared Julie. “Their son demonstrated aggressive behaviors and his mom, visibly overwhelmed, struggled to help him healthily manage himself.”

As Julie and Emma intentionally got to know them better, they learned of the many challenges they faced each day. The family experiences disparities around literacy, transportation, lack of community, and resources to the help they truly deserve. Through family meetings and listening to their needs, Back2Back Cincinnati staff trusted God’s guidance to address their immediate, physical needs and connect them to resources. 

Julie and Emma walked alongside them, attending doctor’s appointments, school meetings, and demonstrating to the parents how to advocate for their son and receive services at his school. They also connected the family to a behavioral school and attended meetings with them for support.

“As our relationship with them deepened, we started weekly parenting coaching with them,” shared Emma. “At the time, we didn’t have a building conducive to these sessions, so we met at a park on good weather days.” They explored healthy parenting strategies together, like connecting with their child and setting healthy boundaries. “We didn’t just discuss parenting strategies, we practiced them in the sessions, focusing on strengthening their family relationships,” explained Emma.

As in most things, some days didn’t run as smoothly as every good day. Emma recalls one that really stood out specifically. “The little boy was really struggling with challenging behaviors, and his parents were clearly discouraged,” she shares. “I recall feeling like the enemy was in my ear: this is too hard; you’re not making progress. Maybe it’s time to give up; he won’t change.” As the session was coming to a close, Emma felt like nothing was working, and then when Dad picked up a children’s book and started telling a story. 

“At that moment, everything shifted,” shared Emma. “The little boy, who had been aggressive and disengaged the entire time, immediately looked toward his dad and his mom picked up a fan and gently fanned her son. We were amazed.”

For his dad, giving nurturing care was a huge step. With one small move, he was offering it and his child was soaking it up. These small acts from both parents, doing their best to communicate to their son, you are seen; we love you; we are here for you, have offered this family a glimpse of hope, a shift in the right direction. 

Today, the little boy is six years old and is thriving at a full-time public school. His teachers rave about the behavior change, and any calls going home to Mom and Dad are of his successes, never his performance.

“The environment in their home has changed significantly,” shares Julie. “His parents are growing right alongside him, using the tools we’ve discussed – coaching him through deep breaths and engaging him playfully when tensions are high. Even on cold days, his dad is outside playing football with him – they are a family who chooses to live life together.”

Back2Back Cincy staff continue to walk alongside this family, celebrating each milestone and moment of growth, and trusting God to continue to lead them, and this family, toward greater hope.


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