Written by Chris Cox, Back2Back Cincinnati Director
A football spun through the air into the arms of an enthusiastic receiver. Voices cheered with excitement as he tucked the ball close to his body. A smile stretched across his face as he danced back to the coach. It was the first time he’d ever caught a football, and as he returned to his teammates, he was affirmed and encouraged. “We knew you could do it!”
The Anthony Munoz Foundation (AMF) has been leading character camps for over 20 years, with Hall of Fame football player Anthony Munoz leading the charge. As a player, Anthony attributed his success on the field to his commitment to character growth off of it. As impressive as his career was, now, 32 years after retiring, his influence on young leaders is as relevant as ever. His foundation invests in youth mentally, physically, and spiritually through seven unique impact programs. Thousands of youth receive access to leadership opportunities through AMF each year, and in 2022, they partnered with Back2Back Cincinnati to deepen investment in the city’s youth.
“Sharing Open Handedly” is a key part of Back2Back’s culture, and when a mutual donor realized we weren’t connected, he introduced us with an offer – if you can find a way to work together, I’ll secure the funding. A proposal came together easily, AMF would adopt the trauma-informed approach of Back2Back, while Back2Back would access AMF programs for the youth they served.
AMF’s overnight character camps adopted trauma-informed strategies, and Back2Back staff co-facilitated alongside coaches and chaperones at each event. Within the first year, over 2000 youth received trauma-informed care through the partnership. By the second year, the two organizations co-hosted trauma-informed care trainings, to over 70 participants from 10 local organizations.
At a recent AMF camp, a local high school football coach pulled me aside to share his experience. “I was wary of this content,” he explained. “It felt like we were giving excuses to players for bad behavior, but I trust Anthony and his team; if they say it works, it usually does. I started slowly, utilizing the ‘attachment and orientation’ principle with my team.” He put the next day’s schedule, attire needed, and team assignments for equipment on a whiteboard at the end of each practice. Within weeks, coaches reported fewer behavior issues than ever before. One day, he forgot to put up the info, and his captains called him. “We know you’re busy, coach. Tell us what we need to do, and we will put it on the board,” they said.
Team captains took responsibility for this for the rest of the season, and the once-leery coach was now all in. “I’m bought in on this model, and I want to train other coaches,” he shared. This was just one of many similar responses received from coaches. Coaches, chaperons, and facilitators were becoming safe and empowered adults for the teens they served.
The partnership is mutually beneficial, as AMF’s Executive Director, Caleigh Willis, shares, “Since the beginning, there has been such a strong alignment of values and a deep commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of young people. We are two organizations leveraging the other’s strengths, reaching more youth, sharing resources, and learning from one another on collectively uplifting and empowering youth.”
The young boy in the story above who caught his first pass at the AMF camp was invited by his Back2Back Cincinnati coach. Through the partnership, AMF sets aside spots at each character camp specifically for Back2Back Cincinnati youth. We know that new experiences create new belief systems, and with empowerment comes growth and healing. Every Cincinnati youth who attends the camp returns with a deep sense of connection, purpose, and belonging. Sharing open-handedly benefits more than just the organizations working alongside one another – it strengthens vulnerable youth. And that is a win for everyone.