New Beginnings

For many youth who enter Back2Back’s Hope Education Program, they move from institutionalized living.  While this serves as a safer option for vulnerable children in their adolescence, it isn’t the best option for many reasons. Shared bedrooms, clothing, and cafeteria style meal times mean children and teens often lose their autonomy. They are one in a sea of many vulnerable stories, requiring healing and felt-safety. They are familiar with many people in one space, not having much, if anything, that belongs to just them.  

Hope Homes are family-style havens of safety. They are led by a married couple who open their space and family to vulnerable teens, allowing them a secure place to grow. The stark differences between institutionalized living and family-style care often mean growing pains are a necessary part of the journey. New patterns must be learned and honed, which isn’t always easy.

Valentina* joined the Hope Education Program in January of 2024, and has since integrated into House 6. Her adaptation to the home and daily life has been remarkable, showing significant advances in all five areas of development. Faithful tutors have helped her advance educationally, crucial in guiding the young woman, especially in her spiritual growth. She was recently baptized at the house family’s church, creating a meaningful moment for her and those she holds dear. 

She is currently looking forward to her quinceñera, a time-honored tradition for Mexican girls turning 15. She is planning alongside her Hope Parents and housemates, and she looks forward to welcoming her biological siblings to the celebration as well. This event will represent the unity and love being built into Valentina’s story through the Hope Program.

These are just small examples of all the ways Hope Education students are seen, known, and celebrated. With dedication, drive, and safe environments to receive wisdom and care, every young adult can find success. Please join Back2Back in prayer over Valentina and the other young ladies she lives and grows alongside – that they would never lose sight of their own value, remembering their futures are worth every investment made. 


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