Melodies of Resilience: Haiti’s Children Find Strength Through Music

Haiti continues to experience unrest and in response, Back2Back staff diligently seek creative solutions to ensure children and families in their care are still growing and learning their giftings.

In 2023, Nadege Similien, Back2Back Haiti Strong Families Coordinator, started to think of unique ways to help children through the difficult circumstances of the country. “I was considering various activities that would help reduce their stress when music came to mind,” Nadege shared. She took her idea to the rest of the staff team, and the planning began.

Through a connection Back2Back’s site social worker has with a local music teacher, a plan was developed and a schedule was made to bring music lessons to the youth in Haiti. Over the rest of the year, Nadege shared her vision with the Strong Families and the team set a goal to start in 2024. This past July, music lessons officially began and are held twice a week for 19 children in programming.

The children are excited and engaged about their lessons. One young lady shared with Nadege, “I was very happy that you asked me to participate in music classes; I’ve enjoyed learning to play the flute, and now I am proud to say I can read the music on my own.” Another suggested they learn a new instrument next year so they can play more!

As Back2Back navigates serving vulnerable populations in Haiti amid country-wide turmoil, dedicated, innovative staff like Nadege keep the mission moving. Please join Back2Back in prayer for Haiti, the children, and the families who call her home, and that their hearts and minds would continue to be invested in by a loving staff team.


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