Letters of Hope: How Sponsorship Transforms Lives

It was a day that every child at the education center looked forward to. There were stacks of paper on the tables, bins of pens and markers, and Back2Back staff, Swanta Zakka, at the front of the room ready to answer questions and help with spelling requests. Sponsorship letters are a big part of the holistic care every child and family receives with Back2Back. It is an opportunity for children to share their lives with safe adults cheering them on from around the world. Every quarter, sponsors have the opportunity to write letters to their sponsor child, and youth are given time to write them back. It is always an exciting time for the children.

One young man who has been attending the center since 2021 was the youngest of nine children when he arrived. He was unable to read or write, didn’t know his left from his right, and couldn’t speak any English when staff first met him. Over time he has grown significantly, with the consistent help of Swanta and other faithful staff. He follows directions easily now, writes back and forth with his sponsors, and prays aloud over his peers. He is growing in confidence and engagement each day. 

This is the power of consistent care, faithful sponsorship, and the presence of safe adults in the lives of vulnerable children – hurdles are overcome, narratives are reframed, and youth are given the tools and access to succeed, breaking generational poverty and trauma.


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