Hope Amidst Chaos: A Legacy of Care

Haiti’s unrest continues to halt day-to-day living and activities for all who call her home. As Back2Back staff and the children they serve at a partnering children’s home navigate the daily uncertainties and prioritize safety above all, they are growing flexible and creative in their pursuit of providing holistic care.

Currently, due to discord near a partnering children’s home, the kids are unable to leave campus, making school and church attendance impossible. Staff now hold devotions and prayer time together each morning and church services every Sunday. So much of what’s going on in-country is difficult for the children to understand, which leads to strong emotions. To help counteract this breakdown of routine and consistency, the older children in the home have study groups together for advanced subjects like chemistry, and then they work alongside the younger children, helping with math and grammar to ensure they don’t fall behind in their education.

“This helping of those younger than them has become a legacy in the home,” shared Weekendson Moise, Back2Back staff. “Former children who are now Hope Education Program students used to help the younger children when they needed it, and now those young children are the oldest in the home, helping those younger than them. It’s an encouraging thing to witness – they want a legacy of educational achievements, and they’re willing to step in to assist.”

Another way the children are connecting and continuing to pursue regularity in their days is by playing music together. They were receiving music lessons, and they didn’t want to stop growing in their talents, so they continue to play together. The staff social worker and psychologist make more frequent stops at the home, offering emotional and social support for the children and caregivers, and recently, the home celebrated their faithful caregivers by presenting them with gifts and messages of encouragement.

There is so much in Haiti that isn’t the same right now, but together, staff and children are ensuring the days don’t pass by without purpose and laughter. Please join Back2Back in prayer over Haiti, the protection of every child and adult served, and for relief to arrive swiftly to this beloved nation.


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