From Free Time to Team Time: A Badminton Dream

11-year-old Benjamin’s* eyes shone brightly as he practiced his badminton serve. For six months, he has been taking every free moment to hone his skills on the court. His journey into the sport happened unexpectedly and led him to beg for the opportunity to join a team. 

His teacher at school caught onto his passion for the game very quickly, and anytime he gets a break, he sprints toward the court, racket sparkling in the sunlight. His determination and excitement grow with each serve and return. Benjamin loves the game, but he is quick to tell you it’s more than just a sport, it’s about the friendships he’s built on the court, the camaraderie and sense of belonging he feels. “I’ve learned invaluable lessons about perseverance, discipline, and sportsmanship,” he shares.

He recently learned he would be joining a team, and he began practicing with an unprecedented vigor! His excitement and love for the game continue to grow as he begins working with a new coach, eager to take the next steps in this beloved sport.


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