Cultivating Purpose

The young men who call Agape House home watch their Hope dad, Nehemiah, with reverence. Nehemiah is a teacher, a musician, and a faithful leader for his family. One young man, Kalu*, has long admired his hope dad’s teachings, expressing his desire to be like him one day. In pursuit of this, he became active in church, serving as an usher, sometimes playing the drums and gong during worship, and doing his best to emulate his father figure’s desire to serve others.

As his desire to be used by God grew, he was approached about becoming a Sunday school teacher. He joyfully accepted, went through the training, and was baptized to continue his spiritual growth.

Kalu recently graduated high school and continues to be committed to teaching younger generations about God and His love. As Back2Back staff and his Hope parents watch him grow, they’re prayerful he honors the Lord in all he does and trusts Him as he grows the Kingdom and awaits university acceptance.

This is the power of vulnerable children growing up in holistic, family-style homes – they have the benefits of living within a family and have faithful role models to emulate. Please join Back2Back in prayer for Kalu and young adults like him who are finding their footing, feeling called to a purpose, and wishing to make the spaces and people around them better. This is a hope that doesn’t stand still.


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