Breaking Bread, Building Dreams

The beginning of 2025 was a fresh start for many, including ten families in Mazatlan’s Strong Families Program. Together, with Back2Back staff, they gathered at 12 Stones for a “Purpose Dinner.”

There were games to promote connection among the families, resulting in loud joy for everyone present. They then shared a meal and cut and ate Rosca de Reyes – a bread eaten in honor of Día de Reyes (Three Kings’ Day) in Mexico. This day in Mexico, known elsewhere as Epiphany, is celebrated to honor the Three Wise Men who gave to the newborn Jesus. Although this is generally celebrated in the family home, it was a unique celebration shared among the ten families and staff.

Following the meal, families were given time to share their resolutions for the year ahead! They were given space and time to dream about what God can, and will, do in their lives. “It was a time of celebration and joy,” shared Back2Back staff. “We wanted each family member to feel encouraged to hope with expectant hearts for the year ahead.”

Together, staff and advocates alike work to ensure families find healing and better understand their inherent right to dream and work for more – this is hope.


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