Brave Souls: Faith Retreat Leaves Impact on Young Women

A benefit of trauma-informed classrooms is that each student receives quality education and personalized approaches to learning. They are offered real life experiences that allow them to grow emotionally and socially, not simply academically. 

Recently, Raquel Osuna, a trauma-informed teacher in Mazatlán, took three young ladies to a local grocery store. The objective of the day was to teach each student how to prioritize necessities and make useful purchases with their biweekly budget in mind. In preparation for this trip, Raquel spent class time with each student discussing what a budget is, base salaries, distinguishing between needs and wants, and what weekly, biweekly, and monthly salaries are. 

“We discussed short, medium, and long term goals, as well as expenses they need to consider for day-to-day use,” shared Raquel. “Each lesson was tailored around the Biblical principles of stewarding what we are given well, whether it is big or small.”

As the small group arrived at the grocery store, they each had an assignment to accomplish. One young lady was asked to make personal item purchases with a focus on hygiene. Another was asked to purchase cleaning supplies, and the third had to make a food list for a newly married couple, keeping a tighter budget in mind. 

“They did a wonderful job of prioritizing inexpensive items of good quality,” shared Raquel. “They also needed to consider how long the items would last and which items were urgent.”

The three girls completed their assignment well, and Raquel has seen them each grow in their confidence, even from the beginning of the shopping trip to the end.

“My hope for my students is they learn to use their finances wisely,” shared Raquel. “I also want to encourage them to believe they will make larger purchases down the road; many of them think they won’t have the resources and ability for things like a home, but with the right tools and lessons, I know they can, and I want them to feel empowered and equipped to do so.”

This is the power of advocacy and sponsorship for vulnerable teens around the world – their academic work is intrinsically linked to personal goals and growth as they learn valuable life lessons. Please join Back2Back in prayer over the young adults who are learning these lessons each day and given the opportunity to practice them in everyday, practical ways. Together, we are leading a generation of young adults to be change makers and cycle breakers. This is a hope that doesn’t stand still.


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