Beyond the Roar: An Unexpected Friendship

The boys stood near the gate of the home listening. They waited to hear the thunderous sound come down their street, signaling their friends were close by. Finally, a low rumble filled the air, growing louder as a group of motorcycle riders headed toward the Back2Back-run children’s home. The boys pushed open the gates and cheered loudly as the familiar faces rolled through to their excited chants – Moto! Moto! Moto! 

Every year in May, the city of Mazatlán celebrates the annual International Motorcycle week! Each year, tens of thousands of motorcyclists arrive from Canada, the United States, and Mexico for a four day celebration known as “Moto Week.” It is days full of competitions, beach parties, shows, and concerts.

Amid the loud activity and fun, one group sneaks away, travels out of the city, and turns down the dirt road leading to a family-style care home for children and young adults with special needs. Known as the Mazatlán Legion Riders Club, this group has made the extra trip every year for the last 12 years.

The group was welcomed with excitement, immediately reconnecting with each of the boys, allowing them to look at the bikes and sit on them, revving their engines over and over, and finally, going on quick rides with the owners of the bikes. “The bike rides were given to some  young men who are normally restricted to wheelchairs for daily transportation and movement,” shared Kristen Hallahan, Back2Back staff. “Seeing them experience something so free and new was a gift; it was an afternoon full of elation and new experiences.” 

Their time together drew to a close beneath the palapa, where the riders gifted the home with cleaning supplies and pantry items. As they said their goodbyes, each of the young men better understood one truth: the men in leather, who looked tough and spoke soft, would always remember. They would always come to visit, and the roar of their engines would signal their arrival, and on this day every year, they knew more soundly they were never alone, never forgotten, and always celebrated. 


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