A Village of Hope: Abeni’s Triumphant Journey to Graduation

The young man stood in front of his Hope parents and peers, his face wide with a smile of gratitude. “I thank you daddy and mummy for everything you have done for me,” he looked at his faithful Hope parents. “I pray God blesses you, and I thank Him for my Back2Back family and my sponsors for helping me get where I am today.” Everyone clapped loudly as he finished his speech.

It was a moment Abeni* had worked hard for over the last three years. He entered the Nigerian Hope Program in 2021 as a tenth grade student committed to his studies. For years he’s worked faithfully toward his goals and last September, he entered his final year of high school. He was prayerful God would help him successfully complete his studies and gain entrance to university.

His hard work and prayers paid off, as he took and passed his university entrance exam, and celebrated his graduation with those who helped him get here. A graduation ceremony was held and attended by his Hope House family, his biological family, peers, Back2Back staff, and even the Back2Back Director! Following the ceremony, a lunch was held to honor his hard work. 

As everyone ate and held space for Abeni’s accomplishments, his joy and anticipation for what’s to come was evident. Please join Back2Back in celebration over Abeni and the many other young adults who are taking brave steps toward their futures. It’s often said it takes a village to raise a child, and Abeni knows his is a mighty one.


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