A Humble Man of Integrity

Join Back2Back as we celebrate Jed and his accomplishments and the faithful donors who give of their treasures generously to pave new futures for bright students.


The young man processed the words in his mind and felt his chin quiver. He ran his hand over his face, but it didn’t stop the tears from building in his eyes and racing down his cheeks. I want to pay for Jed* to attend any private university he wants. They reverberated in his mind as he questioned their validity. Ene Oklo, Back2Back staff, grabbed the young man’s hand and smiled. “This is really happening, Jed. Congratulations!”

Jed has lived most of his life at a partnering children’s home in Nigeria. Throughout his academic career, he’s faced many challenges, wrestling with whether he was good or smart enough to succeed. He spent time comparing himself to others, concerned he wouldn’t be able to keep up. As he pressed forward in his endeavors, he was named “headboy” by his school’s faculty, and he did it with integrity. The students looked up to him with respect, and he treated each of them with equal respect.

As he was preparing for final exams, Jed realized he needed help studying. He humbled himself and reached out to another young man in the home. They studied together, performing quite well on their college entrance exams.

“I am so proud of Jed for the way he rises to every challenge with grace,” shared Ene. Following his graduation from high school, a local man, who contributed to Jed’s school funds, visited the home. He wanted to congratulate Jed on his dedication and success, and then took everyone by surprise.

“I want to pay for Jed to attend any private university he wants,” the generous donor said. This is a blessing in many ways – one being that most public universities have been on strike, meaning students can’t attend, but a private university does not face this adversity.

Jed’s tears fell openly and immediately, and could only say thank you again and again. “I can’t believe this; thank you so much,” he said. “I am realizing I don’t have to be the smartest student in every class. My character is so important and will be what takes me far in life.”

Ene reminded Jed God sees him, knows his heart, and will reward him. Join Back2Back as we celebrate Jed and his accomplishments and the faithful donors who give of their treasures generously to pave new futures for bright students. Please also pray alongside us that the 60 other children in the home who watched Jed overcome obstacles and fight for his future realize their stories, too, can result in such triumphs.


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