A Hope That Multiplies

For children worldwide, sponsorship means they receive all they need and get real-life relationships with those who sponsor them. So many of the children appreciate the letter-writing process most, learning about their sponsor’s families, their likes and dislikes, and knowing how to best pray for those safe adults caring for them from somewhere in the world. Through their example and knowing the giving nature of their hearts, the children Back2Back serves better understand the importance of thinking of others and giving out of their own abundance.

Recently, a young lady in programming was hospitalized for a couple of days to receive necessary treatment. Staff visited her, bringing extra snacks and provisions for her to eat while she was there. On the second day, the staff brought a breakfast treat for her, and she excitedly shared a story.

“Auntie, I had so much extra, I ended up sharing some with the person who cleans the rooms here!” she announced. “She was very excited and grateful, and I also shared with a couple of other kids here who don’t have visitors. It feels good to help others.”

“I was so filled with pride and joy at her giving heart,” shared Back2Back staff. “This is a direct benefit of the support the children receive year-round – their needs are fully met and they’re able to extend a helping hand to others.”

Life lessons and growing generosity are possible thanks to dedicated advocates and faithful sponsors from around the world who saw a need and stepped in to say, “Here I am!” This is a hope that doesn’t stand still.


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