A Declaration of Faith

The sun outlines the peaks of the mountain in the distance, and a guitar is strummed softly as the water in the campus pool ripples. Eight people stood to the side as a local pastor shared how the day would go. He leads a church Hope Program families attend and was on Back2Back’s campus to lead baptisms for those present. 

Their time together began with worship and prayer. They lifted their voices, honoring God and all He had done to bring them to this moment, praying over the days to come and their growing relationships with Him. Three Hope students were baptized, the pastor and a church elder in the pool with them, as they were dipped into the water and lifted back up, publicly declaring their love for the Lord. As they exited the pool, their Hope mom waited with arms open, celebrating this step with them as she held them close and their Hope dad played worship music in the background.

Staff members and mentors of the teens were present for the special day. Following the baptisms, everyone enjoyed food and games together, commemorating this joyful step each person took.

Please join Back2Back in prayer over each of the eight participants who were baptized, that they would learn to lean fully into the Lord, in the valleys and the peaks, and that they would go forward to share His love with those they hold close.


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