I met Goutham in 2015 as a timid 13-year-old boy with a smile that lit up every room he entered. I felt called to sponsor him after getting to know him and experiencing his culture. Returning home, I left a piece of my heart in Hyderabad. In nine years of sponsoring Goutham, I have visited him, connected via video and letters, and cheered him on as he broke through barriers and chased long-held dreams. He always ends every letter the same way – please pray for my studies, sister.
Goutham, like many children Back2Back serves, is considered a single orphan, meaning his father passed away when Goutham was young. His mother lives separately from him not because she doesn’t want him, but because she couldn’t provide for him alone. Back2Back allowed him to be cared for in a family, while she maintained a relationship through visitation.
Once in Back2Back programming, a natural leader emerged. He was one of three of the oldest in the home, exemplifying study habits, listening before reacting, and displaying compassionate governance in every interaction.
After completing junior high, Goutham became a trailblazer, becoming India’s first Hope Program student. He created a pathway for those younger than him, fully aware of this opportunity, and determined not to squander it.
Today, following two years of Junior College and four years in university, he is in his final semester of university, set to graduate in July with a degree in Computer Science and Engineering. I recently sat down with him and fellow Back2Back staff, Santosh Kumar. We discussed the end of one chapter, the excitement of the next looming, and his smile never faded, even as he reflected on the more difficult parts of his journey.
“It is exams, sister,” he shared. “They are so taxing. Every day, I study at least three hours outside of class.”
This dedication has served him well in a rigorous education system that asks a lot of its students. “I have learned to work smarter,” he shared. “I am building each semester on the knowledge I’m gaining, not just remembering it for one test. My goal is to work hard, offer kindness, and be open to friendships. And this is the advice I would offer my peers.”
Reflecting as the first graduate in India, Goutham says, “I feel great. I feel responsible and am proud of myself for sticking with it, even when it felt impossible.” He hasn’t shied away from considering what could have been different. “When I think about Back2Back, the people I’ve met, places I’ve visited, and the sponsors who’ve become my cheerleaders, I am humbled. My life would be different without Back2Back – I would be working for wages, not attending university, and not realizing my potential.”
When faced with the days when he would have rather slept in or chosen to be with friends over studying, it was those who supported him that made the difference. “My family keeps me going; my mom and her sacrifices, I want to make her proud,” he shared. “I’m also here, because of the faithful Back2Back staff and sponsors. I am surrounded by safe people who want me to succeed.”
Goutham attributes his drive to watching his mom rise after losing her husband. “She showed us what hard work looked like, why it’s important. Watching her show up for us made me realize I could do the same.”
As Goutham has been learning to use his voice, and I’ve watched his evolution, he’s been teaching me people can grow and change. I’ve witnessed him chase his dreams and in many ways, it’s encouraged me to do the same. I am as amazed by him today as I was almost a decade ago.
Goutham is leading the way for young men and women coming behind him, displaying humility, living with passion and integrity. He is pioneering new ground, and demonstrating how to finish well. While the journey of education is concluding, in many ways, he is just getting started and we won’t lose track of him. As he finds employment, we’ll still be here, cheering him on, confident he’ll display the same determination we’ve watched get him here.