
Jamal is just one young adult of many who are transforming in the face of difficulties

boy eating

Transforming in the Face of Difficulty

Jamal* listened to his teacher repeat the same lesson for the third time. He worked hard not to roll his eyes, simply nodding that he understood. He felt frustrated, irritable at how many times she was saying the same thing over and over again. She must have sensed his agitation, as she looked at him, smiled, and said, “Just want to make sure we all understand.”

Jamal has always struggled in the classroom. When he first arrived at the partnering home he lives in several years ago, he had almost no language skills; he was a scared little boy, neglected, who had been found in an area slum. His first few years, he was home schooled by the director of the home as he adjusted to new living arrangements, duties around the house, and a different set of guidelines than what he was used to.

Today, ten years after Back2Back first met Jamal, he is a confident, active teen. He still sometimes struggles within the academic world, but he knows his foster parents, teachers, and the staff around him are for him. He uses their support and love as motivation to keep rising. He recently changed schools and now attends Back2Back’s trauma-informed school in-country. His academics are better than they’ve ever been before, and he recently joined the community basketball team.

“We see him growing everyday,” the staff shared. “He is more disciplined and his frustration and fits of irritation happen less and less often; he is learning the power and healing of consistency, and we know this is helping him.”

Jamal is just one young adult of many who are transforming in the face of difficulties, thanks to dedicated staff and trauma-informed education. Please join Back2Back in prayer that Jamal continues to grow, realizing his own potential and striving to be the best version of himself.

**photos and/or names have been chosen to protect the privacy of the children and families we serve and may not reflect the individual’s mentioned in the story


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