
Many students who attend one of Back2Back’s trauma-informed schools begin their educational careers speaking little to no English. Many of the rural villages from where the children and families live only speak one language and government-run schools do not use conversational English in their curriculum.

A Story of Steadfastness

Many students who attend one of Back2Back’s trauma-informed schools begin their educational careers speaking little to no English. Many of the rural villages from where the children and families live only speak one language and government-run schools do not use conversational English in their curriculum.  

Zoya* is a young girl in the first grade. She and her family live in a nearby village, and this is her first experience in an English-medium school (one in which English is part of curriculum). She arrives at school each day eager to learn, despite her struggles with reading and writing. Although reserved, Zoya is excited for new opportunities. 

Zoya’s teachers noticed quickly she struggled with comprehending her lessons and they came alongside their family. They gave extra attention to Zoya’s lessons, helping her whenever she needed it. As they did, they watched the demure little girl persevere and fight to retain what she was learning. She has improved and now holds one of the top places in her class.

Zoya’s steadfastness illustrates that, with the right support, anyone can achieve their goals and reach their potential. Her academic growth is a testament to her own work ethic and of her teachers’ commitment – one provided to every student, everyday. Together, teachers, families, and students alike are breaking cyclical patterns and working to reestablish their belief systems.


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