The Beauty of Life in Community

Back2Back’s Transition to Independence Program comes alongside young adults as they transition from one season of their lives to a new one, often resulting in independent living. Staff teams provide mentorship, life skills, and general support to each young adult in the program as they navigate life in new spaces and areas.

Back2Back’s Transition to Independence Program comes alongside young adults as they transition from one season of their lives to a new one, often resulting in independent living. Staff teams provide mentorship, life skills, and general support to each young adult in the program as they navigate life in new spaces and areas. One of Back2Back’s Mexico sites recently opened a Transition to Independence house, where six girls live and learn together. Four others live individually on their own and receive services. 

Toward the end of January, all ten young adults gathered around the same kitchen table to participate in their first Discovery group, led by four staff members. The vision for Discovery groups is for young adults to learn more about God, His word, and what a life of faith looks and feels like. Their first meeting focused on reading verses in Genesis. Many of the young adults are new to their faith, and staff felt it was the perfect opportunity for them to learn together.

“Witnessing ten young adults sit together, Bibles open, following along as their peers read aloud, was a picture I won’t soon forget,” shared Memo Ortiz, Back2Back staff, who helped lead the evening. 

Curiosity and wonder filled the room as they read verses, taking time to discuss and connect over what meanings and messages. Staff could feel the impact of their time as the evening went on, and even as their reading finished, they shared food and fellowship. They wrapped up the evening by asking them to share something they learned, and to consider someone they could share it with. Each of them said they wanted to share with a family member. After staff left and were in their own homes for the night, they received a group photo of the ten of them, all still at the home content, not wanting to leave just yet.

The Discovery groups will continue every week on Wednesdays. They will be diving into the Gospel of John at their next meeting, and while staff know there will be life changes, transitions, and bouts of disinterest, they are confident in what this time will provide. “Our hope is they will lean into and come to know the plan God has for each of them, to truly know the Word, to pray singularly and corporately, and to know that even in difficult times, they have each other. Faith lives are spent in community, and we want to help them create that,” shared Memo.

Please join staff in prayer over these meetings, that the young adults who gather weekly would come to trust God with every detail of their lives and that they would experience the beauty that comes with life in community.


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