Hope is Abounding

“Is it time?” The young boy looked eagerly at his mom as she got her daughters ready for school.

“Not just yet, Josue*,” she smiled, winking at him. She loved the eagerness he felt to be at school alongside his sisters.

This exchange was a common one throughout weekday mornings at Josue’s house. His oldest sister, now ten, started attending programming within Strong Families a few years ago. Josue and his middle sister, Ana*, loved watching their big sister get ready for school, anxious for the day they, too, could do the same and go with her. When Ana began programming, Josue held tight to his excitement, knowing he would be joining soon.

“I cannot wait to turn six,” Josue would tell everyone he could, because he knew that was when he would go with his sisters and no longer have to tag along with his mom to parenting classes.

“Is it time?” Josue asked his mom once again recently, and that was the day she gave him the answer he’d been waiting for.

“You get to go today, Josue!” his mom celebrated alongside him, and then told him to get ready. Josue and his two big sisters are now all in school and attend programming at the community center. They excitedly share with their classmates about the activities they do at the center and are taking the lessons they’re learning from staff and implementing them at school.

“They are all intelligent, alert, kind, and friendly children,” shared Rosario Hernandez, Back2Back Social Worker. “It is a joy to serve each of them and see their growth over the years.”

Josue’s excitement has not faltered; he is just as enthusiastic to learn, show up, and grow alongside his peers as he was before joining regular programming. This is the power of safe, equipped adults in the lives of vulnerable children and families – learning is fun, kindness is a given, and hope is abounding.