Fortifying Their Futures

The visiting mission team gathered around the small house when they noticed the yellow tricycle parked in the side yard. Back2Back staff explained to the team that the matriarch of the family makes and sells bread in the community, and the recent purchase of the tricycle is helping her business grow. The guests smiled as they lifted their hands to pray over the home and the family who resides within.

“Amelia* has been a part of the Strong Families Program for 11 years,” explained Back2Back Social Worker Kenny Gomez. “She has long been a hard worker, set on getting her family ahead.” For many years, she was a domestic worker, but about two years ago, stepped down from her role. Amelia is consistent in her attendance of classes and enjoys learning and putting to practice those lessons in her own home and for her family.

Staff at the community center have come alongside Amelia to help her better manage her finances, encouraging her in various pursuits to make income for her family. She took the time to learn how to bake bread and sold it out of her house for a while. Recently with the help of saving money, she purchased her own tricycle, which allows her to bike her community area and sell freshly baked bread.  

As the visiting team finished praying over her home, she came outside, offering  jars of fresh honey as a thank you and parting gift. If ever there were questions about why Back2Back invests in whole family units, Amelia has provided the answer with this simple act – she has kept her family together and grown stronger in her roles as mother and provider. Together, staff and families are fortifying the future, and it is strong.