An Atmosphere Beautiful and Filling

The sun had set, and it was a time of night normally quiet on the Back2Back campus, but Hope parents were gathered around the soccer field as they watched their students play in a pick-up match. Nine pm is generally the curfew on campus, but after the day of laughter and connection they all shared, no one was quite ready to go inside. And the Hope parents knew exactly what their students were up to – having fun.

Right before the holidays, young adults in the Hope Program gathered for a Gratitude Party. Each of the Hope Homes brought a dish to share and there was a time of worship before the meal. Two of the Hope parents prepared games where the students competed against them, and it cultivated a time of laughter and healthy competition.

Throughout the whole night, students shared about missing visiting teams and everyone gathering together. The Hope parents kept this in mind as they watched the young adults play soccer into the evening, knowing their hearts and minds were at ease, even if just for a few more minutes, as they played together and laughed. “It was as if everyone present  knew that when we gather with gratitude for everything we have, it creates an atmosphere both beautiful and filling,” shared Sara Jensen, Back2Back staff.