New School, Big Dreams

Arnav* is one of four children. His parents are hard workers who do their best to provide for their family in the slum community they call home. Several years ago, one of Arnav’s older sisters joined the Strong Families Program, allowing her to attend a local government school and receive the assistance needed to succeed academically. 

In 2021, as his parents worked to receive income and maintain health for their family amidst the pandemic, they needed assistance to keep their children in school. As a result, the remaining three children joined the Strong Families Program and currently, Arnav and his three siblings all attend the same government school near their home.

Arnav has shown great improvement since joining the program and receiving additional tutoring and supplemental classes. He has proven to be a quick learner and currently claims Telugu as his favorite subject. As he navigates a new school and takes on fresh material, he dreams of one day being a police officer.

Arnav and his family remain together and are growing individually and as a family unit through the assistance of the Strong Families Program. This is the power of advocacy, sponsorship, and the desire to want more for their family – four children will grow in new ways and remain in the home, where they truly belong.