Fostering Connection One Day at a Time

Maintaining connection between children and families is a top priority for Back2Back staff all over the world. Lockdowns, safely distancing, and potential hiccups with internet connections haven’t always made it easy. However, the staff is not easily kept down.

As the holidays approached, the desire to remain connected grew stronger in Cancun, and Jenn Holden, Back2Back staff, had the perfect idea to involve everyone – families and staff, alike. She suggested the families and staff celebrate Advent by completing a calendar together. The first step was getting staff on board to create the calendar. A video devotional to go along with each day’s verse was provided. The hand-designed cards included a family connection activity. Josue Perez, Back2Back staff, drew an image for every card and made kids with yarn, clothespins, the 24 days of cards, and encouragement to display the calendars somewhere central in their homes.

The families were eager to share how they displayed the calendars and together, they celebrated Advent beginning December 1st and culminating on Christmas Eve. “The families were excited to feel connected in this special way and were very grateful to do this activity together,”  shared Amy Kelly, Back2Back staff.

It was simple, but the shared experience reminded each family they were not alone in celebrating the holidays and were able to collectively focus on the true reason for celebration every December. Prayers, support, and advocacy are key ways kits like this are able to be made and shared with every family. Thank you for partnering with us in providing care for today and hope for every tomorrow.