New, Common Space for Cancun Strong Families

Darlene Ruiz, Back2Back Cancun staff, looked around the circle of families holding hands. Their heads were bowed as another staff member, Matt Cooper, spoke a soft prayer over the group and location. She smiled, anticipating the growth to come in this new space, and they all collectively whispered, “Amen.”

A home in Cancun has recently been rented for the Cancun Strong Families Program. The families gathered with Darlene and Matt to tour the home, hear the vision, and say a blessing for those who will receive services there.

“We saw the great success from moms gathering together at the Community Center in Tres Reyes and the Education Center in Bonfil, and we wanted to offer a common space for the Cancun Strong Families to come together in the same way,” shared Matt Cooper.

The rental, situated in a common location for all families to easily access, will be where tutoring, various classes, and therapy will take place. While Darlene will continue to visit the families in their homes, all instruction and necessary therapies will take place here, at various times throughout the week.

As Darlene and the families in the Strong Families Program look to the future, classes in computers, robotics, and carpentry will be offered. The parents from each family will gather at least once a week in order to connect, become better equipped, and strengthen their families.

Back2Back Cancun looks forward to making the new space a safe place for families to gather and learn, as they work towards building stronger families.