Victory Over Their Stories

“Victor will never sit up on his own.” Over a year ago, these words echoed off the walls of the doctor’s office as Back2Back Mazatlán staff and caregivers processed what they’d just heard. After a surgery, months of recovery, and hope for change in young Victor’s body, they were receiving the news they hadn’t wanted.

Flash forward to August of 2016. Victor and the other children served at Rancho de los Niños began receiving one-on-one time with a physical therapist. Change was coming.

“For the last six months, Victor has been working with a physical therapist,” explains Ramon Balderrama, Back2Back staff. “We can see pieces of progress everyday.”

In December of 2016, Victor sat up for 15 seconds, without any support.

Six months ago, the majority of Victor’s time was spent lying down, with limited mobility, but his time with a physical therapist is allowing growth to become a part of his story. “We see him getting stronger everyday,” says Ramon. “He is expressing a desire to move around more; we are hopeful for continued progress for Victor.”