We’ll Do It!

While serving with us throughout the year, our mission trip guests explore a spiritual theme through a daily devotional study guide. We invite you to join us in exploring this year’s theme based on Jeremiah 42:6 (Message).

Whether we like it or not, we’ll do it.
We’ll obey whatever our God tells us.
Yes, count on us. We’ll do it.

Whatever God calls us to, wherever we go, however deep we have to dig, whomever He calls us to love, ‘we’ll do it!’ We’ll welcome more kids, we’ll do whatever, whenever, however He asks. We’ll do it. I want my hand in the air. I want to be used by God. I want a better story for my day than I can write myself, I want the feeling I am at the end of myself and need Him for my words, my next step. Put your hand in the air with us this year. Say ‘yes’ when it doesn’t make sense and isn’t comfortable. Say ‘yes’ to stretch and grow and break and rebuild. Just tell Him, you’ll do it.

We invite you to consider joining us on a mission trip this year. Learn more about exploring our devotional while serving with us.

If you would like to join us in exploring our devotional while at home, download now.