The Washing, by Kathy Couch, Back2Back Mexico Staff

When I need moments of peace and quiet without the constant yelling of “Kathy” that goes on in my house, I head to a park here in Monterrey.  This particular park has a creek that runs through it.  The creek is never really full so it is easy to park my sling chair in part of the creek bed and just listen to the water running by.  One day I was sitting there just listening and watching the water.  There was this big rock that was half way in the water and half way out.  The top was very dark and dirty and the part under the water (the water was clear) was a completely different color.  The under water part was many shades lighter and much cleaner.  I could feel God wanting to teach me something with this observation and I heard that quiet voice in my mind say, “Look at that rock.  That is how the washing of the Word works on your heart.  It is slow and constant.  It is not necessarily painful but consistent.  It will, over time, change you.  But you have to allow the Word to work and you have to spend time reading it to get the benefit.”  So as I sat and looked at that rock I let this settle in my heart.  I want my life to look different.  I want to be bright and clean in my spirit.  So it is up to me to spend time in the Word and to allow God to wash me clean.  I am so grateful that God is willing to do this.