
Be inspired by stories of reckless faith from around the world. These stories encourage us to keep going, to never give up, until every child is known and loved.
AllDominican RepublicInspirational LivingStories

Growing in Depth & Breadth

Back2Back’s Dominican Republic site is unique from the sites who came before it.  While partnerships with local non-profits are being established, the vision is to impact more children and families by scaling through others, to grow in breadth. Through Trauma Competent Care training, the D.R. staff team equips others in the D.R. on how to… Read more

AllInspirational LivingNigeriaPartner Children's HomeStories

Beating the Odds

The National Stadium is a multipurpose sports stadium located in the capital city of Nigeria. The stadium serves as home to the Nigerian National Football team, as well as a center for various social, cultural, and religious events. Recently, a partnering children’s home went on an excursion to the capital city, and they got to… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStoriesTransitions Program

To Get Back Up Again

Kate* clocked out at the health food stand she’s long worked at and heads in the direction of home. She smiles to herself, considering all she’s accomplished and how far she had to come to do it.  She arrives at her home, the Back2Back Transitioning to Independence Program house, and settles in for the evening… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStories

Standing Out Among His Peers

Oliver* put a thumbs up in the air with one hand and held his certificate of completion in the other. He completed elementary school and was so excited to share the achievement with this entire family. He was also honored for his high achievements throughout the school year and is now looking toward his next… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoStoriesStrong Families

One Step Closer

Delilah* was reflecting on her time following a trip to Tourism Congress. It is a time for students to attend forums where they learn about the tourism industry, and then spend a day within the industry working. Delilah’s role was to be a support for her peers, and she realized very quickly it wasn’t a… Read more

AllIndiaInspirational LivingStories

Beating to His Own Drum

Earlier this year, Rohan* taught himself how to play guitar using YouTube videos. He expressed a passion for learning to play musical instruments and he set out to accomplish this goal. He learned quickly and started leading times of worship for the children and staff on campus. Their excitement for his talent pushed him to… Read more

AllIndiaInspirational LivingStories

Lessons in Virtue

The trauma-informed school in India is flourishing. It currently provides educational care to 240 children from the campus and surrounding villages. New Back2Back India Director, Goldie Karnati, is already dreaming up ways to better connect with the families of each student and ways to grow the preschool program as well. An initiative that has taken… Read more

AllInspirational LivingMexicoPartner Children's HomeStories

The Impact of Investment

Back2Back’s sponsorship program allows connections between safe adults and vulnerable populations around the world. Each month, the generous giving allows children, teens, and families to receive access to food, educational opportunities, new experiences, therapies, and Biblical principles. The holistic care for every child allows them to break cycles of poverty and trauma and equips them… Read more


Forming Relationship, Finding Healing

Across the world, Back2Back staff have faithfully shown up and served vulnerable children for the last 25+ years. As the ministry grows, expanding its reach, depth, and breadth, families have become a top priority at many of the sites. Back2Back longs to see children in loving, safe homes, whether with their biological families or placed… Read more

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