Safety and Healing for Children

The Back2Back D.R. site is different from many other sites in that it is largely about empowering leaders and caregivers to provide Trauma Competent Care to vulnerable children.

The Dominican Republic is a vibrant country with an overall happy, musical environment. Rice, beans, plantains, and coffee make up a large portion of their overall diet.

It’s a special place to live for many of its residents, but for some, the dark reality of abuse and sex trafficking mean this island isn’t a safe place. Back2Back is slowly learning about this crisis and is daily seeking Jesus for how to respond. 

The Back2Back D.R. site is different from many other sites in that it is largely about empowering leaders and caregivers to provide Trauma Competent Care to vulnerable children. Hope and Cheque Garcia travel the country, teaching on safe and healing practices for children. 

Currently, the D.R. staff team works with two ministries in the city of Santiago. House of Hope and a local church are both located in impoverished communities. They assist young children and teens who’ve fallen through the educational cracks in the city through tutoring and .Nurture Groups.

Staff work hard, sharing the love of Jesus and leading children, teens, and adults to healing through Trauma Competent Care training. They look for vulnerable families to come alongside, helping to create safe and consistent spaces, in what they hope will eventually be a Strong Families Program. 

Please pray for the staff to have wisdom and discernment as they navigate the opportunities and challenges of the Dominican Republic. Pray for safety, direction, and healing of each family served.

Hear Directly from the Garcia’s:


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